About Us
The Full Story
Scott and CJ Goodwyn have worked tirelessly, side by side to create and improve Soggy Bottom Hollow. The Hollow as they affectionately call it, is our little haven, shared by horses, dogs & cats, goats and a variety of poultry. In 2020 we decided that the Hollow was meant to be shared and so the Equi-Librium program was born. We put in an indoor arena and made several other improvements. We put CJ's extensive equine industry experience to work, and now offer a comprehensive syllabus of riding and horsemanship classes. No one just shows up to ride without learning about their equine partner from someone who knows horses inside and out, in a setting where the horses are always valued and respected. Our lessons are based on classical principles and on the assumption that happy horses are willing horses. If you are having issues or are just "stuck" on something, give us a call, we can probably help.